Information on estimating phosphorous sludge in Wastewater Treatment from the Wastewater Treatment Plant Chemicals Company blog of Neo Performance Materials.

Denser Drier Sludge
Phosphorus Removal and Sludge Management Removing phosphorus from wastewater usually involves use of a coagulant, especially if you have a low Total Phosphorus (TP) limit. Traditional coagulants, carried over from the water treatment side of the industry, are based on...
Star Sewer Case Study: Dosing WaterFX 300 In MBR System
Achieving Low Discharge Seasonal Limits and Avoiding Capital Costs Summary Star Sewer Wastewater Treatment Plant is a 1.25 MGD Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) municipal facility in Star Idaho near Boise. Star has been issued a seasonal total phosphorus (TP) limit of 0.07...
Gin Clear Effluent
Nothing makes a WWTF operator prouder than the sight of gin-clear effluent spilling over the weirs of the clarifiers. Few things spoil that beautiful sight more than algae growing in the clarifier, catching on the weir as the effluent spills over, floating in the...