Community Information from the blog of Neo Performance Materials, a Wastewater Treatment Plant Chemicals Company.

Neo Water Engineers Are NOT Chemical Salesmen!
When you call one of the Neo Water Technologies engineers for a consultation, the last thing you will hear is a sales pitch. Our engineers are interested in finding solutions for removing phosphorus from your wastewater, not pushing chemicals that may not meet your...
Removing P from Wastewater with Less Chemical = Less Chemical Sludge
Chemical coagulants to remove phosphorus from wastewater create chemical sludge. The amount of sludge produced depends upon which coagulant you use, and the dosage required to meet your discharge limits. Ultimately the volume and mass of the sludge requiring...
Removing Phosphorus from Wastewater
Protecting your community from algal blooms It is June, and that brings to mind trips to the beach or outings to fish, boat or swim in a local lake or river. Our communities rely upon water – for their health, their economy, their wellbeing. Many of our best times are...
The Unsung Heroes Of The COVID-19 Pandemic
The Unsung Heroes of the COVID-19 Pandemic COVID, P Removal and Your Bottom Line COVID-19. Three months ago, it wasn’t on our collective radar but now it has drastically altered life and business as we know it. As essential businesses, potable water and water...