When you call one of the Neo Water Technologies engineers for a consultation, the last thing you will hear is a sales pitch. Our engineers are interested in finding solutions for removing phosphorus from your wastewater, not pushing chemicals that may not meet your needs or may not be cost-effective for your system or limits.

This is by design. Our engineers, who will work with you to evaluate your phosphorus removal options are NOT paid a commission for sales. They are salaried employees who are experts in phosphorus removal. They also understand your obligation to your community and your need to look at the total costs and operational implications of your P removal process.

Neo WaterFX is the best coagulant for achieving low TP limits. It may not meet all of your needs.

Don’t get us wrong. Our engineers know that Neo WaterFX IS the best coagulant for removing phosphorus from wastewater, especially if your limit is less than 1 mg/L. But will WaterFX meet all of your needs? Will it be the most cost-effective solution to your challenges? That depends upon many factors.

So, when you call Neo Water Technologies, our engineers will not try to sell you chemicals — not even WaterFX. They will talk to you about your entire process and the full range of challenges you face in your facility.

Here are just a few of the things that our engineers will want to know before they talk to you about the benefits of WaterFX and whether it is right for you:

  • What is your influent level of total phosphorus and your effluent limit?
  • How do you treat and dispose of your sludge?
  • Do you need nitrification to remove ammonia? Do you also denitrify?
  • What is your influent alkalinity level? Do you already adjust for pH?
  • Have you done an analysis to evaluate all the types of phosphorus in your influent?

Phosphorus removal impacts everything.

Traditional coagulants work differently than WaterFX, and those differences will have serious impacts on your bottom line. The lower your Total Phosphorus (TP) limit, the higher the impact of these traditional approaches. For example:

  • Traditional coagulants produce massive amounts of fluffy floc that is difficult to dewater, driving up your sludge treatment costs (polymer and dewatering time) and disposal costs (because there is so much more chemical sludge, and it holds a lot of water). Water FX forms a dense crystal that doesn’t bind water. That, combined with the lower dosage, means much less chemical sludge that dewaters quicker with less polymer. Treatment and disposal costs are lower. See more at: http://neowatertreatment.com/faster-more-energy-efficient-dewatering/.
  • Traditional coagulants are not efficient at removing P, and the coagulant-to-P dosage goes exponentially higher as the effluent limit goes down. Achieving a low P limit often requires a dosage ratio as high as 8:1. WaterFX reacts to remove P at a 1:1 ratio meaning you dose much less. Find out about how the dosage with traditional coagulants increases as your limit decreases, and how pH can impact removal see http://neowatertreatment.com/phosphate-bonding/.
  • Traditional coagulants produce massive amounts of fluffy floc that is difficult to dewater, driving up your sludge treatment costs (polymer and dewatering time) and disposal costs (because there is so much more chemical sludge, and it holds a lot of water). Water FX forms a dense crystal that doesn’t bind water. That, combined with the lower dosage, means much less chemical sludge that dewaters quicker with less polymer. Treatment and disposal costs are lower. See more at: http://neowatertreatment.com/faster-more-energy-efficient-dewatering/.
  • Traditional coagulants have very low pH, and with the high required dosage, eat up a massive quantity of alkalinity – alkalinity you may need for nitrification or just to maintain a healthy pH. WaterFX is not only less acidic, but the lower dosage means that in most cases your wastewater’s natural alkalinity will be adequate to support nitrification and maintain pH, with no pH adjustment. Learn more at http://neowatertreatment.com/preserving-alkalinity-during-phosphorus-removal-from-wastewater/.
  • But sometimes coagulant alone is not going to meet your limit – not even WaterFX. That is because there may be a small fraction of phosphorus that is soluble (so it goes out with your effluent) and is non-reactive, so it won’t chemically bind, not even with WaterFX. If this soluble non-reactive phosphorus (sNRP) concentration is higher than your TP limit, you will probably need expensive nanofiltration to remove it. That is why our engineers will talk to you about all the different types of phosphorus, and help you evaluate your P types to determine if WaterFX will meet your needs. If WaterFX won’t meet your limits due to the concentration of sNRP, our engineers will say so up front.

Then there are other advantages to WaterFX that often mean a great deal to your operators, though they may not directly impact your bottom-line. For one, other coagulants can release the phosphorus under low dissolved oxygen conditions or changing pH, like clarifiers and digesters. This released P can lead to algae growth in your clarifier or struvite in your digester pipelines. WaterFX binds tightly and holds on to the phosphorus, eliminating P release and the issues that come with it. Find out more here: http://neowatertreatment.com/stop-algae-growth-in-clarifiers/ and here: http://neowatertreatment.com/phosphorus-removal-for-struvite-prevention-and-improved-dewatering/.

Neo WaterFX wastewater treatment. Image showing character pulling arrow from high to low cost.

Our engineers will talk about all the ways phosphorus treatment impacts your bottom-line.

Our engineers understand that wastewater treatment is a complex process, and phosphorus removal can impact much more than just your effluent. We will help you evaluate your types of P, to be sure we can meet your limits. Then we will look at your chemical costs for pH adjustment and alkalinity, dewatering and sludge disposal costs, and your plans for the future. Only if all of these things point to WaterFX will we propose a solution that meets your needs. We will help you estimate potential cost savings, and then, if you are ready to move forward, we can set up a pilot test to prove WaterFX’s advantages in your plant on your wastewater.

Our engineers want to solve your P treatment requirements, not just sell you chemicals.

At Neo Water Technologies, our goal is to guide you to the best solution for your phosphorus removal. In many cases that will include Neo WaterFX. But, if it doesn’t, we will tell you up front and guide you to explore other solutions that will bring you success. Don’t worry about our engineers. They are paid to help you whether you purchase from us or not.

If this sounds like how you want to manage your phosphorus removal requirement, contact us!