Case Studies Information from the blog of Neo Performance Materials, a Wastewater Treatment Plant Chemicals Company.

Superior P Removal + Sludge Reduction
Ultra Low Level Phosphorus Removal in Utah December 2021 SUMMARY Jordanelle Special Service District (JSSD) water treatment facility treats water from multiple communities in the area south of Park City, Utah. With approximately 375,000 gallons per day (gpd) average...
Phosphorus Removal from Wastewater: Star Sewer Case Study Highlights
With every permit renewal, discharge limits can be drastically reduced, usually with a compliance schedule that allows the wastewater facility to evaluate options and implement the best solution. That is the situation Star Sewer, a utility outside Boise, Idaho, found...
Dosing WaterFX300 In Primary Clarifiers
Achieving Discharge Seasonal Limits And Avoiding Capital Costs January 24, 2020 Summary Geneseo Wastewater Treatment Plant is a 1.5 MGD municipal facility in the Finger Lakes region in upstate New York with a seasonal total phosphorus (TP) limit of 1.0 mg/L. After...
Phosphorus Removal
Enhanced coagulation drives plant efficiency and performance The Challenge A 770,000 GPD municipal wastewater treatment plant discharging to a stream leading to Lake Erie was having difficulty meeting its total aluminum (1.1 mg/L) and total phosphorus (1.0 mg/L)...