Information on Phosphorus Removal Technologies from the Wastewater Treatment Plant Chemicals Company blog of Neo Performance Materials.

Tipping fees stabilize but still high
Landfill tipping fees have stabilized. Removing phosphorus from wastewater to the low limits in today’s NPDES permits requires coagulants and creates chemical sludge. No way around it. This chemical sludge can significantly drive up your sludge processing and disposal...
MBR Advantages of Neo WaterFX
Phosphorus Removal in Wastewater Treatment Neo WaterFX offers significant advantages for phosphorus removal in wastewater treatment plants using membrane bioreactors (MBRs). As discharge limits become more stringent, more wastewater utilities are turning to MBRs for...
Preventing Algae in Wastewater Treatment
How To Prevent Algae Blooms In Wastewater Treatment By Controlling Phosphorus. It is a common problem. In the summer, algae grows in wastewater treatment plants, especially in the clarifiers, contributing to numerous operational issues. Problems associated with algae...