Information on Innovative Chemistry from the blog of Neo Performance Materials, a Wastewater Treatment Plant Chemicals Company. Here we provide articles discussing new chemical products, processes and materials that are creating innovation in the water treatment industry.

Better Dewatering with Neo WaterFX
Crystals Beat Floc — Better Dewatering with Neo WaterFXRemoving phosphorus from wastewater can create large quantities of difficult to dewater sludge, driving up disposal costs. The cause is choosing the wrong coagulant. Traditional coagulants, iron or aluminum based,...
Eliminate weir scrubbing from your operator’s duties
Scrubbing weirs. No one likes to do it and, depending on your clarifier design, it can be downright dangerous. But there it is every spring and through the summer, that annoying algae hanging off your weirs, with its slimy green making the clarifiers look terrible....
Star Sewer Case Study: Dosing WaterFX 300 In MBR System
Achieving Low Discharge Seasonal Limits and Avoiding Capital Costs Summary Star Sewer Wastewater Treatment Plant is a 1.25 MGD Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) municipal facility in Star Idaho near Boise. Star has been issued a seasonal total phosphorus (TP) limit of 0.07...
The Wastewater pH Seesaw
Get Off The pH Seesaw The pH of your effluent is a standard parameter on every NPDES permit. But more than that, maintaining a pH in the neutral 6 to 8 range is critical to maintaining the biological treatment in your wastewater facility. Maintaining the alkalinity of...