Seasonal Compliance Immediately

20250310 Neo Water Blog Seasonal Compliance Immediately

Many wastewater plants have seasonal phosphorus limits. Neo WaterFX can rapidly, reliably remove phosphorus from wastewater on day one!

Neo WaterFX takes the guesswork out of seasonal phosphorus removal from wastewater.

Many wastewater treatment plants have very stringent seasonal phosphorus limits of less than 1 mg/L. Due to the volume of wastewater in the treatment plant and the fluctuations in flow, it can be hard to hit upon the right dosage of coagulants to achieve compliance quickly. Until now!

Precise dosage with WaterFX can achieve total compliance in just a few hours.

A western wastewater plant with a seasonal limit of 0.2 mg/L wanted to find out how much lead time they needed to get their phosphorus under control. The plant’s flow fluctuates between 3 and 8 MGD, with an untreated effluent concentration between 2 and 4 mg/L. With these wide fluctuations, and the substantial residence time within the treatment system, the operators thought this would be challenging, requiring days or even weeks to stabilize. And with traditional coagulants, they might have been right.

Requirements: one metering pump and a tote of Neo WaterFX 300

Neo Water Treatment engineers set up a quick pilot test to evaluate the P removal efficiency of WaterFX. With an initial large dose, to treat the wastewater in the basin, the effluent P was reduced to the limit of 0.2 mg/L within just 2.5 hours. By hour 5, the target concentration of 0.1 mg/L was achieved and the dosage of WaterFX was reduced. Simple flow pacing of WaterFX was all the plant required to make phosphorus removal quick and effortless. Check out the graph above to see the results.

For more details, see the case study