The Unsung Heroes of the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID, P Removal and Your Bottom Line

COVID-19. Three months ago, it wasn’t on our collective radar but now it has drastically altered life and business as we know it.

As essential businesses, potable water and water reclamation utilities must remain open, servicing the community. Your employees pump the life’s blood of our society, and remove the contaminants in the waste, reclaiming the water for the next community downstream. Closing is not an option. Laying off workers is not an option. You are the behind the scenes heroes that keep our communities alive. We will get through this, and when we do, the recovery will depend upon you too.

But it is costing. With businesses shuttered, demand may be down. With unemployment high, your past due bills may be mounting. Discontinuing service in the middle of a pandemic is not an option. So, you eat the costs for now, and do what you can to keep your communities healthy.

Keeping costs as low as possible is a must, now more than ever.

If you remove phosphorus from wastewater, a simple change could save significant funds.

You have always made it a priority to operate as efficiently as possible. But if your NPDES permit has a low phosphorus limit, and you are treating with alum or ferric, you may be able to make a quick, easy change and save significant money.

A switch to Neo WaterFX300 (formerly RE300) as a coagulant for phosphorus may save you money in the following ways:

  • Chemical costs – most often by significantly reducing the amount of caustic you must feed to restore alkalinity and for pH adjustment. Other chemical savings may be in polymer for your filter press if you dewater your sludge.
  • Sludge disposal – by reducing the total sludge from chemical addition, increasing the percent solids, and reducing the bound water in your sludge, the volume and weight of your sludge is substantially lower, lowering disposal costs.
  • Electrical – if you dewater your sludge, your dewatering cycles can be much faster due to superior dewatering qualities, lowering your energy bills.

Low to no capital costs.

Now is not a time when you want to disrupt your plant with a capital project, and with Neo WaterFX300 (formerly RE300), you won’t need to. We can pilot our phosphorus removal, to confirm your savings, using just totes and a feed pump. Then, once you confirm the value to your utility, existing alum or ferric tanks can be cleaned and converted for permanent use.

Free consultation lets you know what to expect.

Let us know your limits and your costs, and we can determine if the switch makes economic sense for your utility, including estimates on how much you might save. We will also tell you if Neo WaterFX300 (formerly RE300) is NOT right for you. Only if Neo WaterFX300 (formerly RE300) is a good fit for you will our engineers then work with you and your staff on the next steps for piloting and the transition over to Neo WaterFX300 (formerly RE300).
Bottom line, we are here to help your bottom line.

This is a time of high stress and uncertainty about the future. But one thing is certain – you will need to continue to be there for your community, and you need a healthy bottom line for the long term. All cost savings need to be considered. If you have a low P limit, you owe it to your bottom line to explore the option of Neo WaterFX300 (formerly RE300).


We can’t say enough how much we appreciate all you do for your communities, especially during this time of crisis. Without you, the medical community could not save lives, it really is that simple. We know you are not getting the applause and praise. Few communities hold parades past water treatment and water reclamation centers. But you are vital to everything else that happens as we face this pandemic, together. We see you and all you do. Thank you.

To learn if Neo WaterFX300 (formerly RE300) is right for you, Contact us for a free consult.

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