Phosphorus Removal from Wastewater

Neo WaterFX™ Excels in Phosphorus Removal from Wastewater

Wastewater treatment plants must take into account the entire treatment process when choosing a coagulant for phosphorus removal from wastewater.
Traditional coagulants are inefficient for phosphorus removal and create operational issues
When choosing a coagulant for removing phosphorus, it is critical to consider the entire treatment process. Traditional iron or aluminum-based coagulants have been borrowed from the drinking water treatment side of the industry and are not well suited to the biological treatment processes employed in the wastewater treatment side. Because these coagulants are not specific to phosphorus, they require massive doses to achieve the low phosphorus levels set in most NPDES permits. In addition to creating large quantities of difficult-to-dewater chemical sludge, these highly acidic coagulants consume alkalinity, driving down the pH. This is highly detrimental to the biological treatment processes, particularly nitrification, and requires additional chemical addition of caustic to restore pH balance.
Neo Water Treatment’s WaterFX provides superior phosphorus removal from wastewater
The lanthanide-based coagulants in WaterFX avoid these pitfalls, while efficiently and reliably removing phosphorus to meet even the most stringent limits. Lanthanides have a strong attraction for phosphorus, selectively binding with phosphate to form a dense crystal, therefore requiring much less coagulant. WaterFX is also much less acidic than traditional coagulants and because the dosage is greatly reduced, the impact on alkalinity is drastically reduced and, in many cases, eliminated. With the lower dosage, much less chemical sludge is produced, and it is easier to dewater, producing a drier cake for disposal. These factors add up to significant cost savings and more stable treatment.
The advantages are clear
These time-lapse photos, taken over 15 minutes, show how quickly Neo WaterFX binds with phosphorus, settling to form a dense precipitate, much quicker and denser than ferric chloride. The difference in chemical sludge produced is apparent.

For phosphorus removal from wastewater, WaterFX has the clear advantage
But even more impressive than jar tests are the results from clients who have saved money and simplified their operation by switching to WaterFX for their phosphorus removal. Be sure to read some of these results in our case studies.
Then contact us for a free consult
Our engineers would be glad to help you determine if switching to WaterFX is right for your phosphorus removal requirements. Contact us for a free consultation.